Sunday, August 7, 2016

In the Beginning

And so it begins. Our move from Public Middle School to private school is impending. It’s not just a prep school that will add useful academics to my child’s education; it’s a Jewish school that will add an understanding and appreciation of where she came from - a love of learning. She was only surviving in public school. She aced tests, even the maligned standardized common core state tests she gets perfect scores, but the school consistently berated her love of wanting to learn more and to be accepted for what she can contribute.

What’s happening across the country with regards to multi-cultural education is that it covers every culture except Jewish. And when it covers Jewish, it’s about the holocaust or a world religion video that has anti-Semitic content that is very popular among the “multicultural” teachings of today.  You see, the Jews are considered “white” in the anti “white privilege” message that is popular in our school systems. And a segment of that multicultural movement is scapegoating all things Jewish. Subtle anti-Semitism, guised in multicultural, is worse than blatant condemnation. The seeds are being planted in our young.

My daughter felt it after watching a world religion video in 6th grade.  Others school districts are watching that and other Jewish bigotry seed videos and content around the country. She is beginning to identity bigotry in all shapes, abilities, and colors and feels it is being directed at her. As a school district official told me when I said we were leaving the public school to go to a Jewish school, well “public school isn’t for everyone.” 

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